gBREATHAIRh-the product that will change life's comfort and hygiene

Toyobo Co.Lid., has conducted various functional comparison tests among the BREATHAIR, breathable polyurethane and poly-cotton.
Test data on:



Unlike polyurethane, emission of poisonous elements is almost zero
  Breathair urethane Poly cottin
CO 269 357 235
CO2 1083 1002 1683
HCN Not found 11 Not found
CI Not found Not found Not found
NOx Not found 1.1 Not found
SOx Not found Not found Not found
NH3 Not found 0.3 Not found
JIS-K7217i750 *0.5L/minShared air *10minj

Polyurethane is an difficult material to be recycled.
Therefore, it is buried as waste after use in most cases.
On the contrary, the Breathair is made out of polyester elastomers, and therefore easy to be recycled.
Especially, the Breathair is suitable to recycling to fuel,
and its conversion ratio to heavy oil is over 90%.